Financial elder abuse in Oregon is something that is becoming a major problem in recent years. This issue is primarily due to the recent increase in elderly people, in general, population and the advancement of technology. These correlate to easier ways for total strangers and even family members to manipulate the elderly out of their money and property. This attributes to billions of dollars in loss across the United States each year.
Financial Elder Abuse Oregon: Types of Elder Abuse
There a...
MoreElder Abuse Oregon
With thousands of people turning 65 daily in 2015, there is bound to be more elder abuse with this recent increase. This is something that’s happening around the country. States have begun to strengthen and increase their various organizations and statutes to accommodate the increase of the elderly population. The best thing that people can do to help this epidemic is report incidences of elder abuse once spotted. Many elderly people are afraid to speak up and ask for assistance in these matters...
MoreFinancial Elder Abuse Mississippi
In the United States, there are an estimated 1.2 million elders being abused, either psychically, emotionally, or financially. This is not only a tragedy for older people but a financial burden for both the United Sates and the state of Michigan. Financial abuse equates to billions of dollars in loss over one year. Many elders are too afraid to speak out because the perpetrators of most financial abuse cases are the children of the individual. However, people suffering elder abuse in the state o...
MoreElder Abuse Mississippi
Elder abuse in Mississippi is becoming a growing problem. With recent reports of elder population growth, due to advances in medicine and science, there are also more cases of elder abuse as well. In Mississippi, Abuse is defined as “ . . .the willful or non-accidental infliction of physical pain, injury, or mental anguish on a vulnerable adult, the unreasonable confinement of a vulnerable adult, or the willful deprivation by a caretaker of services which are necessary to maintain the mental and...
MoreFinancial Elder Abuse Michigan
Financial elderly abuse is one of the most prominent forms of abuse, not only in Michigan but also in the United States as a whole. Over the last decade, this problem has increased drastically with both the expansion of the elderly community and the rapid expanse of technology. This has given people the opportunity to financially exploit people over the age of 65. However, many states have taken the initiative to improve their laws and regulation to help elder recover from the various abuse type...